
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 13, 2010

39 Weeks and still Kickin!

Email #7: December 13th, 2010!

39 Weeks!  Wow...I really can't believe it has been so long since we last updated everyone!

So we had our 39 week check in today and were hoping for some news on when we might meet our little guy...but no such luck.

Rhys seems to be growing wildly (measuring 42 weeks) and not in any kind of position to come out anytime soon or at least from what we can tell.  I am not dilated at all and my cervix is tight/hard and closed.  The doctor has tried to dilate me with no success.  So it looks like we will wait another week to see when he might join our family!

Our next appt. up in Beaverton at St. Vincent (where we will deliver) is next Monday-my due date-December 20th.  They cannot medically induce me until 41 weeks (Dec. 27th) unless I am dilated or have some sort of complication (poor lab results/high blood pressure).  So looks like little Rhys is going to bake in there awhile longer...

Ryan and I have been plenty busy the last 10 weeks with Beaver Football and Basketball and getting things in our new home unpacked and organized.  We have also been getting everything ready for when Rhys joins us!

We will send out a Christmas/New Year card/letter once he gets here!

Until then please visit our blog for updates and visit mealbaby.com to sign up to bring us food when we have Rhys! :)

Thank you for all the love and support through the last year...it has been so wonderful and we feel overwhelmed by all of our many blessings!



Ryan, Jaimee and soon Rhys!!!


  1. Hey Jaimee! I didn't know you guys were expecting...congratulations - boys are fun! :) Best of luck during your delivery, can't wait to see some pictures of the little guy.

  2. There you are! Found you! He is adorable and you two look so cute. The best parents ever. So sweet. God bless you all.
